Thank you for your interest in partnering with us for our third year of the IWU 1850 Vendor Market! The 1850 Market is scheduled for Saturday, October 11th from 9:30 AM - 2:30PM on the University Quad. Vendors can set-up as early as 6:30AM. This event is for small business owners, local shops and makers. Please fill out the Vendor Application Form below. We will let you know within one week if your application has been accepted. At this time we will ask you to pay for your booth space. Booth fees will go to the Wesleyan Fund, which supports student scholarships. Vendor fees are non-refundable. Space is limited and not all applications will be accepted. Applications must be submitted by September 12th, 2025 to ensure you are listed in the program and marketing materials. For questions, please contact the Volunteer Engagement Officer in the Office of Alumni Engagement, Avary Kampwerth (
Business Name (as you'd like it to appear on signage & promotion)
What type of products will you be selling? (Select one)
Business Website Link
Business Instagram Link
Business Facebook Link
What size booth would you be more interested in?
Special Note: All booth rentals will support our Wesleyan Fund. The Wesleyan Fund is a powerful source that helps bridge the gap between tuition and the actual cost of an Illinois Wesleyan education. Gifts to the Wesleyan Fund have an immediate and meaningful impact on every aspect of campus.These gifts are vital to academic program innovation and updates, as well as supporting top University priorities and new initiatives.